
Nobody cares about Xbox

Since I know that no one is reading this blog anyway, probably nobody will care, but I'm moving all of my video game related blogs over to http://www.destructoid.com/blogs/bradeatspeeps

If you play video games, this is THE essential site for it.

Huzzah games!


XBox Live madness

During a game of Left 4 Dead

17 Year Old: Guys, my girlfriend is going to have a baby in nine months. What should I name it if it's a girl?
12 Year Old #1: What about Amanda? That's a cool name.
17YO: Okay, what about a boy?
12YO #2: Well, what's your name?
17YO: Michael.
12YO #2: What about Michael?
17YO: Cool. Yeah.

5 minutes later...

17YO: So, like my girlfriend is like 2 to 3 days pregnant.
12YO #1: Really? Whoa.
17YO: Yeah, like right after we got done...you know...and I gave her a pregnancy test, and it was positive, like, really fast.
Me: ............
12YO #2: That is crazy, man.
12YO #1: Like, super sperm.
17YO: I know. *pause* Want to make our characters have butt-sex?
12YOs: Yeah!
*all three of them proceed to run their characters into each other...in a closet...while singing a song*
17YO: *sings* Butt sex...yeah, butt sex...I'm coming out of the closet.
Me: *repeatedly stabs self in eye with pencil*


Altered books...and altered perceptions

The Harry Potter Crafts Group I am apart of on yahoogroups is doing an altered book swap this month. I'm new to the group, and crafting in general, so I didn't enter, but I'm going to do one on my own just to see if I can do it. The theme of the swap is "The Women of Harry Potter" so naturally, I'm going to do mine on Bellatrix Lestrange. I have no idea even where to start, but I'm going to do my best. Luckily, I got a major score of clearance stuff at Waldenbooks the other day, including the 2009 Harry Potter calendar, and I was very pleased to see that Bellatrix has her own month. I'm going to steal the page and cut it to pieces, or I might go and find another one so I have my all in once piece.

And altered perceptions on XBox Live. Last night was the GamerChix ladies night of Left 4 Dead. So I signed on like it said to, but lo and behold, no chix in the room I was in. I ended up with three guys, who of course though that I was a guy, but I let it go. We played a campaign on the Death Toll map, did very well, even got a very hard to get achievement. So after the game, we said our goodbyes. They said they were going to play Versus. I'm not much on Versus, so I stuck around and started another game. Lo and behold, 10 seconds into my new game, I get a request from one of the guys to join their Versus game.


This has never happened before, so naturally, I accepted. I entered the room to raucous cheers of "OHMIGOD, YOU'RE A CHICK!?!" I thought that was very hilarious. We proceeded to completely MURDER the opposing team, working together like a well-oiled machine. It was beautiful. I was so encouraged about co-op play, but I had to leave early, so I said my goodbyes, and went to bed thinking, "FINALLY. I find the good ones."

This morning, I found a friend request from one of the guys waiting on my dashboard. It gave me warm and fuzzies. I plan to go home and log on and see if I can't find them and play some more.

SO glad I got my high speed internet yesterday.


Things I Hate Part 1

I hate a lot of things in this world. I've decided to share. These are in no particular order. I waste time hating things, but I don't waste time in ranking them.

Thing I Hate #1


You might want to get tested. I hear VD can be transmitted through photos.

Bret Michaels was once a very famous rock star. He had a fantastic hair band. He was taken seriously--or as seriously as a hair band lead singer can be taken. HOWEVER, he has destroyed any semblance of dignity with his hideous show on VH1 titled "Rock of Love," wherein his Mighty Skankiness tries to "find love" among a group of ragged, slutty women. Beyond that, the show features Bret, a diabetic, drinking and boozing it up and eating the worst possible food that a diabetic can eat. He goes on and on about how he loves "confident, sexy women" yet those confident sexy woman are always voted off the show in favor of girls who take confident and sexy to mean the same thing as "dirty, dirty ho bag skank whore monster." This season, the third of the show, features the biggest array of silicone enhanced trash I have ever seen. The damn thing started in Louisville, and I am ashamed.

He looks like a Ken doll. He wears bandanas to hide his massively reduced hairline, and the hair he does have is either so greasy you could fix a squeaky wheel with it, or all golden and flowing like a woman's. You just look at him and feel dirty. Excuse me while I go scrub my eyeballs. UNTIL THEY FALL OUT.

My mother loves this man. She saw him in concert last year and will show the pictures of her with him to anyone who will look at them. I refused to touch her until she took three showers and used an entire bottle of hand sanitizer. Blech.

Thing I Hate #2


I have no idea what made these abominations popular. They were fine when they were in the garden or used as shower shoes by college students wanting to avoid the hideous amalgamation of germs inside public showers. But when they were taken SERIOUSLY by people and worn IN BROAD DAYLIGHT...it has gone too far.

Throw away your Crocs. They are hideous. You look stupid wearing them. THEY ARE FOAMY PLASTICY SHOES. They are the red-headed stepbrother of Jellies. It's just bad.

You can match them with every outfit. But why would you want to?

And worse...someone has created ACCESSORIES for Crocs. They actually have a name. They are called Jibbitz, and whoever it was that invented them should be punished by having to wear them ALL THE TIME.

$2.25 for this crap?!?

So, not only can you look like a dumbass while wearing your Crocs. You can be commerical and show off how much you love Hello Kitty, Spongebob, and the whores in training, The Bratz. Lovely! Teach your kids it's okay to be a whore AND look like a dumbass.

I'm fairly certain an adult did this which frightens me.

Crocs are acceptable on children and women working in gardens and college students hoping to avoid foot fungus. NO ONE ELSE. Understand? So if you have Crocs and you are not one of the above listed things GET RID OF THEM.

Or else...

If you wear Crocs, escalators will eat your feet. They hate them that much.


Left 4 Dead...for real

So, I'm very new to XBox Live and I was prepared for the amount of tomfoolery and such, but really. It's almost impossible to play a game without someone yelling at me. Or worse, I can't find people who actually want to play the game TOGETHER. It's a co-op game. CO-OP. Anybody know what that means anymore? It certainly doesn't seem like it. I think the problem is that the game doesn't set you up with people near your skill level. Granted, I'm not the best in the world, but I think I can hold my own.

The way people act, you'd think I'm a leper or something.

I guess it will just take time. I need to get used to how the OMG EXPERTS play the game. I'm still trying to figure out just where everything is and how to best use things. But in XBox Live land, that makes me an annoying n00b and therefore, not worth the time.

It's very annoying.

But I will not get up. I'm looking into XBox Gamerchix which seems to be a very cool place for girls. They're having a game night, so I'm going to try that out on Wednesday.

And even if it doesn't work out, whatever. I can still play other things.

Ho hum.



So, I finally bit the bullet and ponied up the $100 for a wireless network adapter for my XBox. The wireless signal I use is pretty weak, so I wasn't sure it was going to work, but AHAHAH! Victory, it did. It took about four million years for it to update and such, but then finally...

I loathe the way my dashboard looks now. LOATHE it. I do like the avatar thing, but otherwise BOO. I liked the tabbed pages. I like tabs. Firefox has made me love tabs. I'm not so keen on the iPod Touch-y sliding panel things. But whatevs.

I played my first online games of Left 4 Dead last night, and I AM IN LOVE! My first game involved some 12 year old who kept singing in my headset, and then one game I jumped in on was with a bunch of guys who play together all the time, so they yelled at me for "not doing it right," but eventually, I got into a game that was pretty much to my skill level and the people were nice, so I am encouraged.

Plus, I had a free month given to me because I never used it when I got my 360. Double victory!

I foresee that I will waste a lot of hours playing on XBox Live. HUZ-ZAH!

My gamertag is bradeatspeeps so OMG EVERYBODY ADD ME.

But don't get mad when I PWN j00 4 r34l5!


Vaguely upsetting, and yet...

I received some vaguely upsetting news about Maja today, but I refuse to get crazy just yet.

Today, work was an excruciating experience. I had a weird pressure-y headache that would just not go away, until I finally drank some Diet Coke and it was better. BOO at caffeine withdrawals. I've tried to eliminate it because it was making my heart crazy, but it seems I must have it until I get used to not having it. BOO.

I did absolutely no work on the book today. *sigh*

I am randomly irritated at SF today. I haven't been able to talk to him, and that makes me grouchy. That, and I have a sneaky suspicion that he has lied to me about something. About what, I don't know, but I get that feeling. He's a terrible liar when it comes to me, which is hilarious for a secret reason. Still. Ugh.

I'm just generally blah today. The weird headache, coupled with annoyances at work do not make me a happy girl. Our NCIC terminal is down, and it is very annoying to have to call other dispatch centers to get things run. We don't get our new one until Monday when I am ON VACATION HUZZAH.

I got pink work shirts today though! SCORE!

Random thought for the day: happy new year? Shouldn't it be "I am happy! It's a new year!"?



Reference my earlier post about procrastination, I have CONQUERED! I got some more of my book typed today--see the lovely word count meter over to the right--and in doing so, completely re-wrote a huge part of the story. You can see read more about it at my book blog here: http://brookebook.blogspot.com/

Anywho, I have felt like crap all day, but I motored through and came to work even though I could have called in sick. I'm not about to miss a holiday, however. My XBox and gaming future DEPENDS on that check. Not to mention all the people that I owe money, too. And I would like to visit my Hoo again at some point in the near future, so here I be, sick and all. It's been very slow. Except our NCIC terminal is dead. Unbelievable!

January 1, 2009. Bizarre.

Robodice visited yesterday. I feel like I never get enough time with him, but what I do get, I love.

OMG. Vacation in t-minus 4 days. A 10 DAY VACATION OMFG! SCORE! This job has SO many benefits.

A lot of pitfalls, too, but whatevs.
