
Life with The Peanut

It has been a huge adjustment the last few days now that the Peanut is here. I cannot really express in words the joy I felt when I saw him come into the world. I can say without hesitation that it was the most important thing I have ever done in my life. Seeing that vernix covered squirming thing just suddenly appear in the world is the best moment of my entire life. I cried the whole time. It was just...amazing. That is the only word.

He came home two days ago, and life since then has completely changed. For one, it's very crowded in the house. At the moment, there is me, Maja, Moo, Baby Daddy, the Peanut, Snoop, Maggie, my cat, and Maja's bird. It's just a lot of people in here all at once. We live in a pretty big apartment, but still. Taking showers on some kind of schedule is a mess. Maggie and Snoop "play" constantly, and by play, I mean fight visciously over the same toy, water dish, and spot on the couch. There are very rare moments that are few and far between that they are both sleeping. It's a lot of noise.

The Peanut, on the other hand, has been nothing but perfect. Last night was the first night that he actually cried. Other than that, he hasn't made a sound. I'm serious. He hasn't cried once, but of course, the first time he does decide to cry, it has to be from 2 am until 6 am. When he cries, Snoop gets very agitated, and then he cries, which wakes me up, and then I can't get back to sleep. *SIGH* It's only been once so far, and other than that, the Peanut is perfect. Completely and utterly perfect. It's startling.

Moo has been insane. I guess that is to be expected, but I never expected her to be this crazy. The Peanut is a peeing machine, and he eats like a horse. When I look at him and say "Peanut, it's Auntie," he opens his eyes and looks at me, and it makes my heart turn to goo.

He was so worth the wait, the craziness that it made me feel, and all of the trouble. I think I might be having Moo's PPD for her, though. Yesterday was a rough day, but today has been better. I'm sure every day that passes with that magical creature in our lives will be even better.

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